Weekly Update
1. After spending a long weekend in Zion and Vegas this week was really very busy.
It was fun long weekend with Alan,Noel,Lindsay,Jamie and Kelly.
Lots of Hiking, Yoga, Poll , Chilling, Campfire, Music, Meditation.
2. Recived details from Yale for voluteering but facing some problems.
3. Hardly I have done 5 hours of studies in this week. This bothers me a lot .. :( I need to focus on my schedule.
4. My Phone started giving me problem .I think it's time to change .. I want G2 or iPhone :)
5. My shoulder hurts because of more hand stand practise in Yoga Class.
6. Friday and Saturday was chill out day with my Roommate and Brandon who is going away to Denver.
7. Sunday was full of Ashtanga and brunch at Oasis with Jeff, Saraha, Dona and Tom.
8. 19 days to go for Wasatch Releay. Need to inrease my practise to 2 times a day.
It's already Monday and seems this week is very busy.